Silly Cat | Teen Ink

Silly Cat MAG

By Anonymous

   Silly cat, while I work all day

You just go outside and play.

While I am in my studies deep,

You lie on my bed and go to sleep.

Why can't you be more like me,

No, you'd rather go and climb a tree.

Silly cat, you have one sin,

As soon as you're let out, you want to come in.

When I let you in, you want to go out,

You can really boss a chap about.

While I'm inside watching "Miami Vice,"

You're outside catching mice.

You get more out of life than me,

Maybe the sillier one I be.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 11 2011 at 3:45 am
i liked it vey much it made my day :)