Dreamgirl | Teen Ink

Dreamgirl MAG

By Anonymous

   She was afraid

and needed me to protect her;

without my sacred dreamgirl

I'd be stuck here all alone

clinging to the memories of what once was,

drowning myself in a TV baseball game

but instead,

I wish and want and desire and lust for

my sacred dreamgirl,

with flowing red hair, a glass of J & B in one hand,

her artwork in the other, or is it mine?


It's no use; I'm coming back into my lowly existence,

channeling my passion for her into caring

whether or not the Red Sox beat the Orioles.

I wish she still needed me - I need her.

I wish the umpire made the right call - he was out by a mile

It's the same damn thing.

Images unclear, unreal, distant, remote

from me.

Love, a split-fingered fastball, I have neither.

At one time, I struck out Big Johnnie Tardiff

in a little league game

At one time, I protected her

they lost - she left

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This article has 1 comment.

13blkrosez said...
on Oct. 20 2008 at 11:49 pm
i love this poem, i like the way you switched between the ball game and talking about the girl to tell your story, its beautiful and i want to see more of you writing