Inner Battle | Teen Ink

Inner Battle MAG

By Anonymous

   Inner Battle

A samurai
in the challenge of his life,
centered on what matters.

An ocean who does not comprehend
why it is being challenged.

A sword
in the hand of the samurai
thin and real as the sharp crescent moon,
hot from the hold that grasps it.

A wave
the ocean keeps for defense.

A stance of preparation
the samurai takes for his battles -
cold and rigid with his boundaries clear.

A crest forming
on the blue, razor-sharp wave's edge.

A feeling of pure confidence
the samurai has an experience.

An overpowering, brute energy:
the sea cannot stop itself.

A twirling wrist
gives everything to its cause.

A curling wave,
powerful and naive
like the very essence of the sea.

A retreat from the samurai
has come too late

A collision
was never necessary
A samurai has fallen.
An ocean is not any wiser.

by M. M., New City, NY

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