In Heat | Teen Ink

In Heat MAG

By Anonymous


Refrigerator air melts

To sticky cheese

Gum spots goo on concrete

Stuck to my shoe

The sole becoming a dark brown puddle

And you're walking

Fanning paper faces

With dehydrated dogs


To death

And you find a jar of mayonnaise

Past the expiration date

Hair wet and damp

Stuck to the stench of the people

In that one elevator

Going up and down

And you think to yourself

"Doesn't that guy use deodorant?"

Bathroom showers in the dark

With dark purple shadiness

Watermelon faces

And eggs fried on top of your head

You realize it's death

It's hell coming to take us over

Then you see the stars and stuff

Toasting marshmallows

And bugs crawling

up your arm

Playing with ladybugs

You drown yourself

In thirst.

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