Michael | Teen Ink


July 8, 2009
By stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Looking off into the distance, wondering what life has in store for me.
Thinking about the loved ones I’ve lost and the opportunities that have passed me by.
Unsure of what life is really about and what my purpose is.
Staring off in to the darkening sky, just thinking but at the same time my mind is blank.
So many things go wrong and it seems that not enough thing go right.
This world is so confusing that I don’t know what to believe anymore, I don’t know wrong from right anymore.
All the things that I have been taught don’t matter anymore, as I am learning new things each passing day.
don’t take loved ones for granted, be grateful for what you have, show compassion to everyone, even the ones that don’t deserve it.
Caring, kindness, love, passion, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, and patience.
Watching people suffer and go through pain.
Seeing people happy and at peace with life.
Enjoying what life has to offer and what you have to offer it.
And finally acknowledging all that is around you.

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