When Will It End? | Teen Ink

When Will It End?

May 1, 2024
By carolinegwebber PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
carolinegwebber PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
27 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When will it end?

All of the discrimination.

All of the hate.

Trying to live a normal life but stopped short.

Pain and anger taken out on innocent people.

People getting away with a slap on the wrist.

Jails filled with people not supposed to be there.

The streets flooded with people meant to be locked up.

When will there be a change?

Courts and trials that are biased.

People's opinions are everywhere.

When will people see a problem?

Torturing and sexually assaulting people.

Locked up and the key thrown away.

Accusations we aren’t familiar with.

The ones meant to protect us are hurting us.

No one is taking responsibility.

When will people do the right thing?

Prison sentences, 20 years in state prison.

Pleaded guilty and given out justice.

Is this enough for them to stop?

Wrongly incarcerated and letting the bad people go.

False narratives to justify their actions.

When will all skin colors be treated the same?

The author's comments:

With lines from “‘Goon Squad’ Officers Rack up State Sentences in Mississippi Torture Case” by Nate Rosenfield and Brian Howey, a Pulitzer Center reporting project.

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