Let Us Awake | Teen Ink

Let Us Awake MAG

February 7, 2024
By Chotu_24 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Chotu_24 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Where the skies are free and shining 

Where the fields are fertile and vibrant 

Where forests breathe deep and lakes sit calm

Where flowers rejoice in the gentle breeze 

Where the rich jungles of the Amazon 

And the blowing sands of the Sahara
And the frosty snow caps of the Himalayas 

Are subject not to the wrath of humans, but only to nature’s limitless will

Where animals are not so cruelly stolen for breakfast or lunch or dinner

But learned from and respected as the beautiful beings they are

Where the sun, the wind, and the water propel us into a clean world without pollution

Where humanity at last realizes we are on a path of utter destruction and suffering

And knows that the time for change lies not in the past, nor in the future–but now

Where all the fish in the vast seas, all the birds in the blowing winds 

All the insects, all the plants, the trees, the forests, the flowers

And the proud two-legged creatures that so brazenly claim everything as their own

Where all of them, all creatures on this Earth, exist in harmony

Into such peace and balance, into such a paradise, let us awake.

The author's comments:

This poem is based on "Where the mind is without fear" by Rabindranath Tagore.

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