It's Such A Shame | Teen Ink

It's Such A Shame

June 24, 2009
By MoMo:D BRONZE, Rome, New York
MoMo:D BRONZE, Rome, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's such a shame,
When all you have is yourself to blame,
When the clouds fall,
The mightiest crawl,
The weak have lost,
The battle,
With so many lives that were cost.
Death proceeds,
And hearts still bleed.
Glass shatters,
And nothing matters,
Because it's too easy,
Too easy to fall,
As the last of the strong,
Begin to scrawl,
The last words,
And final words,
And the blades fall like swords,
As the once great,
Run towards,
The only escape they can manage,
And to our disadvantage,
We have none left.
Becasue it's such a shame,
The tears of the once mighty,
Extinguish the flame,
because it's such a shame,
For who is to blame?
For causing all this pain?
It's such a shame.

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