Heartbeats | Teen Ink


June 15, 2009
By Mindy Hsiao SILVER, Saratoga, California
Mindy Hsiao SILVER, Saratoga, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Somewhere in the world,
Someone's heart is breaking-
Maybe a thousand times again
Or just the first crack
Like chiseled ice
That leads into a decade of mourning.

Somehow, I believe my heart
Is breaking too.

Maybe because I once believed
Together two hearts would always rhyme,
Or that our soft tiptoes through summer grass
And hushed giggles
In movie theaters
Would build the foundation of love.

The clock’s ticking louder now
As it begins the countdown-
Louder as each second slips away,
Like New Year’s Eve- until it seems
That dam in my heart can hold no longer...

So you leave, suitcase bumbling
Along carpeted hallways
Until silence envelopes this empty room,
Bounces off wallpaper we’ve smoothed ourselves.

Wait, did time stop?

No, that was just my heart breaking open once more.

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