True Judgment | Teen Ink

True Judgment

June 9, 2009
By foreverbee94 BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
foreverbee94 BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People say I've changed, but the truth is, I've just grown up.I stopped letting people push me around, I learned that you can't always be happy"

I can't explain it and I refuse too
I don't want to play this game anymore, I don't like the roller coaster ride, I want to get off. You can label me however you want to, But you have no idea, because you know what no ones ever gotten close enough to know. And yes I mess up and I make mistakes, but you know what's worse, how much everyone cares and how they judge everything i do. For once I wish something I did would be good enough because it seeems, I'm always failing to someone and I can never get it right. So for once in my life I'm going to forget your name, I'm going to tear you apart, and I'm not going to care, This is never going to happen but just thinking that maybe I could be the one not broken down this time, gives me the hope to go through your abuse for another day. And you can label me however you want, your judgment is true because dont forget you were the one i trusted to know me, but thats over, you ruined it. I don't want to be on this roller coaster ride anymore, I don't want to be here, As soon as I can, it's a one way ticker to anywhere but here!

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem about someone who meant a lot to me, they were very close to me and I told them everything, and even though we're not friends anymore, I still remember all the good times we had, and how much we knew about each other. I'm not going to say don't trust anyone ever, just be careful that the person you trust is the right one. I hope you like the poem

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