Why I write | Teen Ink

Why I write

May 28, 2009
By aejones100 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
aejones100 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
11 articles 29 photos 0 comments

I write for the people that are hurting
The ones that die inside
I write to encourage people that it’s ok to live
That it’s ok to be different
I write to people can understand just how much words do hurt
How people feel when they are depressed
I don`t have time to rhyme my words
Or get my spelling perfect
Cause I’m trying to stop people from cutting
I’m trying to say nice things to people so they feel good
Telling everyone how much I love them
So maybe one day
They would just believe someone cares
So they may stop hurting
I write to open the eyes of people
Show them the COLD HARD TRUTH
I’m not going around the bush
I go right through it
I write to change the world
Not to get people to say how much they love how I write
I write for me
For my disable brother
That does not have much in this world
For my god
That told me to live
I’m not trying to get credit
I’m not trying to be the best
But this is why


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