Past- | Teen Ink


June 3, 2009
By Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nothing like forever
In this belly of abyss
Nothing to be turned away
Nothing to be directed in

Keeping still is such a chore,
When eternity is faced
Fate will ne'er open doors
Nor titans their cruel gates

Seeming firm and yet so calm
A beast within a fawn
Losing in a game of chess
When both release their pawn

Cruel intents, an evil fate
A grinding in the ear
Silence died and took it's place
And weep ye no more tears

Viking kings is ships to sail
To chart unconquered lands

No one keeps a dragon's heart
Nor take the beggar's lamb

Wizards charm and princes fall
Amidst the rubbled ash
A world beyond all hopes and dreams
Great skies and yellowed grass

This world be odd indeed
No such things as mother's touch
No one here to preen
Feathers made of harsh winds Swirling in the sea
All object but three

Two of them be pauper's sons
And last a withered maid
Laid to rest in Ogre's hands
Thrice and thrice betrayed

Time it is a fickle thing,
With twists and turns about
It chances like a stream
With all such things as Happenstance
And upsides falling down

To stand and fall
And land upon the whiskers of the Bearded man
And hands of mother Earth

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