Time and Memories | Teen Ink

Time and Memories

May 25, 2009
By Amanda Zilke BRONZE, Stevensville, Michigan
Amanda Zilke BRONZE, Stevensville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Time and seasons may fade away, but all our memories will never stray.
Time, always moving, never stops, I feel like I’m about to drop.
Over whelmed and always stressed makes it hard to progress.
My time in high school seems to be slipping by; I sometimes just want to cry.
From all this sadness I may feel, I do know something to be real.
Time and seasons may fade away, but all our memories will never stray.
Hold on to your memories, your laughs and tears, even times that brought you fear.
From these memories we learn and grow, and in the future will definitely show.
Our achievements and downfalls pave our path, and lead us on to our future.
Even though we can not relive our past and time may seem to move to fast.
We have our memories and the future to look forward too.
Time and seasons may fade away, but all our memories will never stray.

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