Track | Teen Ink


May 15, 2009
By Maeghan Miller BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
Maeghan Miller BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Training day after day with determination and solace
A hard working team sport; yet independent.
Sweating in pain and catching your breath with your new friend ice.
The meet arrives; while on the bus staying focused with music and head bent,
Crouched down in the blocks with only winning in sight.
Adrenaline is shaking through your nerves with every heart beat.
Tunneled focus; the only audible sound is the gun while preparing for flight.
Running to the rhythm of the competitors breathing and pounding of feet,
While inhaling and exhaling, breathing steady, and waiting for the moment to flee.
Arms pumping with perfect cadence, counting the competitors you waste.
Nearing the finish, legs aching, lungs burning, taking the opportunity.
Celebrating the dedication and its hard work by crossing the finish line, savoring the victory taste.
Breathing gratification of three point scoring, team success; commradery soaring.

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