The feeling in genuine and sham | Teen Ink

The feeling in genuine and sham

May 14, 2009
By Anonymous

A girl who lives in my impression called feeling

Absolutely direct, absolute feeling

The beautiful vision spins my mind, I love it!

Unforgotten, the memory is so precious

Lovely brown eyes, sanguine smile, and perfect American accent

A girl who lives in my feeling named Feeling

Unforgiven, the time so ruthless

Time flies, as a vapor evaporates and disappears

Suddenly, it becomes a hidden vision, I miss it!

Unique, the charm, so attractive

Absolutely beautiful, absolutely romantic

A girl who as if a gift from God, Feeling

Unaccountably, it’s a good dream or nightmare

Time flies, the story needs to be started over

Fortunately, we may meet again, I’d chase it

Unforgotten, you are the one no second

The beautiful memory impressed deeply in my heart

A girl who lives in the right of my heart, Feeling

Uncaptured memory broken in pieces, how do I pick it up?

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