What are you? | Teen Ink

What are you?

May 10, 2009
By poetfiend123 BRONZE, Arlington, Virginia
poetfiend123 BRONZE, Arlington, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What are you?
What is your ethnicity?
Well I can’t describe myself to you,
Because I can barely define myself to me.
Restrictions and rules decide my place,
Bounded by your questions that all determine the color of my face.
They govern the quality of who I am,
Because when the ultimate question is asked,
I don’t know how to answer, or even if I can.
So should I check this box?
And maybe hope that you will see?
That what I couldn’t find in myself,
You will see in me?
My heart and my mind are irrelevant and useless,
because my genetic code is what you seek,
Not what the truth is.
I don’t know who I am,
But that is not what you are looking for,
So your superficial interest will never see my whole core.
Your question will not be answered at the expense of my choice to cover,
So my deepest apologies friend, because I am checking “other.”

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