Angel | Teen Ink


May 7, 2009
By chrystal BRONZE, Syracuse, Utah
chrystal BRONZE, Syracuse, Utah
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

She's not really an angel, but she likes to pretend that she's the one Heaven sent. She dreams she can leave this place; spread her wings and fly away. It's a lot harder than you think for that little girl to escape to her dreams. But while she's there she gets so caught up in her fantasy she fogets all about reality. There is someone she wants to be like; her gaurdian angel that watches over her day and night. All that little girl does is believe because she knows those angels won't ever leave. Floating on feathery wings is what she does when she escapse to her dreams. She won't have to face all the lies because up in Heaven she can fly. She won't have to hide, she won't have to run because up in the clouds there's only fun. She's not really an angel, but she likes to pretend...

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