How I wish I was an animal | Teen Ink

How I wish I was an animal

May 4, 2009
By Miguel Garibay BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
Miguel Garibay BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today was the day to go to the jungle
Where all of the animals were free
They played and laughed and roared wildly
And when Hawken came there were “hoorays!” and “Hurrahs!” for his arrival
Everybody was happy to see him
All the lions and tigers and Zebras
Plus the elephants and peacocks and toucans too
There were games going on like baseball and soccer
And some of them were even playing dress up and tea party
There was gossip going around about all the boy lions
How strong they were and how they’re long manes made them look handsome
And there was gossip going around about all the girl lions
About how pretty they were and how fierce they were
“Oh” how Hawken wished he were an animal
Playing and laughing and roaring all day
No chores no responsibilities no mommy kisses
He would want to be an animal forever
But right now it was time to go to sleep
In the world where people played and laughed and talked all day
Hawken kissed his mommy goodnight and hoped he dreamed of being an animal
He just hoped he dreamt he were an animal for one day

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