Judge Me | Teen Ink

Judge Me

May 5, 2009
By Teresa Parker BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
Teresa Parker BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

sue we are all different
but in reality we are all
the same.
we are all living
with our hearts beating.
we all get hurt
physically and emotionally.
we all have desires.

Don't see the outside
and only the outside
look deeper and try
to get people to see
who you are inside.
instead of only seeing your
physical appearance.

"Don't laugh at me.
Don't call me names.
Don't get your pleasure from my pain.
In God's eyes we're all the same.
Someday we'll all have perfect wings."

The author's comments:
everyone judges, i know this...but why such cruelty?

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