Dreams | Teen Ink


May 3, 2009
By karen arayata BRONZE, Fremont, California
karen arayata BRONZE, Fremont, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dreams are the sweet anger of your mind.
They want and want but can never find.
We see them and fall carefree.
But the truth to them is that when you wake they aren’t what you see.
Be careful to not take it too seriously, though.
Because when they are broken they can bring you low.
They are people’s sweet sorrow and beautiful nightmare.
They seem to bring you so much love and care,
That they can cause you sadness and fear.
Not only that, but they can make you lose something dear.
So heed my advice:
To dream is to live and to wake up is to die.
Dreams are what we live for and are what tells truth from a lie.

The author's comments:
sometimes all we have in this world are dreams. and sometimes we need to wake up from them.

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