something's missing | Teen Ink

something's missing

April 29, 2009
By PoeticJustice SILVER, New Castle, Pennsylvania
PoeticJustice SILVER, New Castle, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something was missing

But my mind was too young

To tell me what it was

So I asked someone.

I went downtown

To the physic with powers

I went to the counselor

And sat there for hours

No one could tell me what it was that I seek

So I began to lose hope

And I began to grow weak.

Then I went to the one who could make it all clear

I went to God

And the answer grew near.

I said, what is it that I heavily desire

Is my fate to be alone, in the dark With no fire?

No he said just trust in me

Believe me my child

I know how your pain must be.

So I trusted his word

And I left the room

My eyes could see nothing but the darkness and gloom.

Just as I began to give up

The answer came to me obvious

Like a book on a shelf

What I needed all along was for me to find myself.

The author's comments:
the first poem i ever wrote..i was 12!

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