Memories Whisper | Teen Ink

Memories Whisper

April 26, 2009
By Ellana Wynn BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Ellana Wynn BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

memories whisper
clinging like cobwebs
dusty bits of magic
in the corners of my room
memories whisper
abandoned city buildings
old forgotten dreams
lingering in my bones
memories whisper
engulfing my soul
unspoken lies
precariously balanced on the tip
of my tongue
memories whisper
twinkling like stars
in a black night sky
hidden in the corners of
your eyes
memories whisper
falling on deaf ears
deep rooted secrets
flowing through my veins
memories whisper
crashing like a raging sea
inside my fragile heart
memories whisper
enchanting promises
escaping life and reality
calling my name
memories whisper
chilling truths
memories whisper
I listen

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