Happiness | Teen Ink


April 24, 2009
By AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here's an escape into a sunshine summer
Into happiness and hope
Where the butterflies wisk away your pain
Where the trees are laughing and whispering stories
Where you have a friend
A mother, a sister
A cousin, an aunt
I will be there to support you
I will shield you from the darkness in the distance
I can show you where the flowers listen to your problems
Where the dogs don't bite
And the cats don't scratch
Where you can shower in rains full of love
I'll take your hand
And swirl around and around the flickering fire
I will be there to offer my shoulder
And take you into this golden place.

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