I Saw a Man Cry Out Today | Teen Ink

I Saw a Man Cry Out Today

April 22, 2009
By Aurora Palumbo BRONZE, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Aurora Palumbo BRONZE, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A sound came in panicked rhythm
Into ears alert for words unsaid,
Reverberating beats of a once lonely heart
To which my own lonely heart was led.

Your shadowed silhouette was knelt,
Crouched and planted into place.
Hands to fit perfect in mine, I felt
Were digging into and hiding your face.

Your figure stood against Impatient's sunrise.
Could I do what you had to?
You asked this question and to my surprise
The best answer was not one I knew.

We took in colors made more vibrant then.
I stood beside your well-intentioned state.
Take your time in this new land.
Search for the stars and don't lose faith.

Don't worry about the fading sparkles above.
I know you'll see them again someday.
In our last parting embrace I loved
How you kissed my lips and took my breath away.

From God clothed in heavenly light,
He gave me this gift:
And I give you this.

The author's comments:
This poem was inpsired by my boyfriend who is in the navy. The night before his plane had to leave for Hawaii, where he would be based for about three years, he called me and asked if I could ever do what he had to do. He only got a week to spend with his family and friends since he was only returning home from his Florida base for this short of time. Could you ever spend only a week with those you love after not seeing them for several months at a time, and then leave for three years? I had no answer to this. I said I did not know. I admire my boyfriend very much and I respect him more than anyone I've ever known.

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