All With a Smile | Teen Ink

All With a Smile

April 29, 2009
By Anonymous

No matter what sex, growing up can be hard.
Add being a girl to the mix; it’s a way tougher card.
From a very young age we all strive for the top,
The whispers and stares seem to never stop.

This is not like you thought, not like you had wished.
You do not like this feeling or the plate it has dished.
You beg to stay home; you’ll be Mom’s baby over this.
The nice kids at the park, you’re really starting to miss.

You don’t know what you did and wonder what they’re saying.
You can’t seem to understand this game the girls are playing.
You try to fit in, but you don’t have a clue.
When you look in the mirror, it’s simply not you.

At this time in your life, nothing seems more in focus,
But there are more important things than all that hocus-pocus.
I suggest standing tall, with a smile on your face.
Don’t stoop to their level; they’re in a darker place.

And when things start to change and the sun comes back out,
You will have friends who care and that’s said without a doubt.
So learn from the past and go show them something new.
All those bullies and mean girls have made a stronger you.

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