Eternity | Teen Ink


April 16, 2009
By kallzie BRONZE, Franklin, Kentucky
kallzie BRONZE, Franklin, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We would live to be 100.
But her time fell short.
One simple mistake from the doctor.
A test lost and forgotten.

We would live to be 100.
A car crash revealed the truth.
There she lay in the hospital.
Nobody knew her fate...
But one.

We would live to be 100.
Code Blue.
A flat line showed on the monitor.
She's where she belongs.
In a better place.

We would live to be 100.
A thousand red roses cover the place where she rests.
One single tear falls from my eye.
As she is lowered to her resting place,
The wind surrounds me like a warm hug.
I know she is watching over us all.

We will forever.
In each other.

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