Calm Beach | Teen Ink

Calm Beach

January 17, 2019
By gsayegh BRONZE, Congers, New York
gsayegh BRONZE, Congers, New York
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Feet in the cool sand

I hear the ocean breeze

The cold water crashes on the beach

The wind moves the trees

I hear the ocean breeze

I feel it coming over me

The wind moves the trees

The sky is mostly clouds

I feel it coming over me

There is no one here but me

The sky is mostly clouds

And now I am at peace

There is no one here but me

I am alone but never lonely

And now I am at peace

The sounds of the wind and sea are all I need

I am alone but never lonely

The cold water crashes on the beach

The sounds of the wind and sea are all I need

Feet in the cool sand.            

The author's comments:

In my poem, I tries to embody the stillness and tranquility of a vacent beach. I want the reader to picture themselves in the poem and feel the freedom and peace of solitariness. I've always enjoyed being alone with my own thoughts and I believ I tries to express this in my poem. 

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