My Dreams | Teen Ink

My Dreams

April 23, 2009
By stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Is it true?
Can it really be?
I see it in the middle of the sky
My dreams way out there floating
Just waiting for me to fly and bring them down

I can do it
I will fly
All I have to do is spread my wings
I need to go after them before the get away
I’m so close just a little farther

If I just reach my hand out I can touch it
What? No there getting away!
I’m not trying hard enough
I need to push myself if I’m going to reach them
I can’t let them escape I have to keep aiming for the sky

But even if I miss it I can still land on a star
A star of hope
A star that will make me want to try harder
Maybe I just need a boost
If I can find some pixie dust I know I can reach it.

I got it, I finally got it
My dreams are finally coming true
And its only the beginning!

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