Regret | Teen Ink


April 6, 2009
By Miriam Allweiss BRONZE, Plainview, New York
Miriam Allweiss BRONZE, Plainview, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I tell you everything,
My secrets, guys, and strives.
And in return you give to me
A story filled with lies.
Away from you I walked and lay,
My dignity is injured bad.
What else have I got to say?
You will never understand.
Through you so much I wrought,
The pain, the suffering and fear.
You betrayed me and what I thought,
I held you so close and dear.
I screamed and cried for you,
I was always by your side.
I wished you would be there too.
I never went to run and hide.
You still are there for me,
way down deep in my heart.
I learn from mistakes you see,
But now I know and I am smart.
Someday I'll see you there
And I'll wave to you hello in fact,
You'll wave back in much wonder,
While regretting your last small act.

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