Necessary Boundaries | Teen Ink

Necessary Boundaries

June 1, 2016
By Anonymous

Ever since the scientific method has been introduced to the human society during the Renaissance period, science has advanced human lives like never before. During the past 500 or so years after the invention of scientific method we have discovered more than we have in human history combined. Following this advancement in science was the religious reformation and the age of reason, and over those courses lot of people have either lost their religion or have reformed the traditional views of religion. As humanity walked out of the renaissance period after the miserable dark ages we have advanced intellectually to a whole new frontier. However, looking at America and the world today we see many events that force us to evaluate whether we have really gone forward with our intelligence.

Many people do not realize the grave consequences that can arise from ignorance towards science and relying on solely religious explanations. Like it or not, science is the key to our society and the basis of all the modern things that hold humanity together. If we have people oblivious to the key foundation of society and denying science challenging its ideas day to day it is a recipe for disaster. For example, the people in politics who do not admit that global warming is caused by man made reasons despite all the evidence present is doing nothing but making humanity deteriorate backwards. If people do not want to admit that this serious problem exists as a threat to our planet how are we supposed to unite for a solution? Other basic problems can arise from favoring superstition over logic, as there are certain fundamental known facts about this universe that is proven through scientific method such as evolution by natural selection. Biology does not make sense without this theory and tremendous research and evidence have been found to prove in favor of evolution. However, Pew research center gives data on how only 26% of the religious people accept evolution compared to 67% in the non religious population. This was a survey conducted between the non-afflicted groups and the afflicted groups of a reasonable population size with good representation of samples. Such huge numbers in denial is concerning for the whole population as it shows how the general public goes against scientific findings and refuses to conform to the necessary truths that must be accepted for our society to move forward. To this day in some places evolution and other theories such as the big bang is refused to be taught in science programs in schools due to strong creationism influence from the general public of the area. This unreasonable and scientifically illiterate influences overall affects humanity so that people are denied crucial truths about the universe and grows up to be scientifically illiterate, forced into religion and never seeing the other perspective to life. They are denied the ability to think for themselves. This one sided teaching is dangerous as people are grown into accepting what is told to them rather than researching and analyzing for themselves. These mindset that have been planted in people lead to worrying consequences. As reported by CNN, more than a third of Americans state the extreme weather as a sign that the world is in the biblical “end times”. Thirty six percent of Americans say that the severity of recent natural disasters indicate that we are at the precipice of Jesus’s second coming. The numbers are ridiculous, as America is also ranking first in the number of adults who believe in angels. The more people we have that claim such things believing what is told to them rather than seeking evidence eventually is declaring war against science and reason causing humanity to fall backwards, impeding scientific advancements that is the key foundation of what has brought humanity this far.

I understand that religion and spiritualism helps people develop emotionally and provide relief to human psychology. A study published on bigthink conducted by college professors have found that religious people might be less smart than non religious people overall as belief in a spiritual essence suppresses analytical thinking, there are benefits to engaging the empathetic network. In ways suppressing the analytical side of the brain can bring bigger insight to social and emotional factors. Overall, people with more faith tend to be more presocial and empathic, which might be the key factor in why historically religion has been so prevalent among human species culturally. It gives insight in other ways to the purpose of life and the role of individuals in their life. It is possible to be scientific at the same time being religious. We must all learn how to be analytical and be scientifically illiterate when it comes to the natural universe and go with the evidence presented, but religion can definitely help create the purpose of life for people. In fact, many well known scientists throughout history have been religious, a lot of them due to the time period they were in, but they were still successful while being religiously afflicted. Religion is able to coexist with science as long as it knows its boundaries and do not convince people to suppress their analytical thinking and just believe what they are told.

Lots of irrational hatred and inequality arise due to religion also, as it is another dangerous consequences of people being supressed of analytical thinking and are only presented with one side of the issue. Lots of hatred was spread religiously in the past and still to this day because religion is such a perfect tool to spread mass propaganda and gain control. In religion people are told a lot of times to believe, instead of questioning. They are told to have faith in lots of things as complete obedience is what the supreme being wants. This is true for most religions existing. It requires faith and worshipping of some sort. These practices can be very dangerous as it limits free thinking and is very susceptible to spreading one sided views without much thought. Religions have always been used as a major justification to spread certain ideologies.


Contemporarily in religion the biggest irrational fear and inequality is subjected towards the homosexuals, when evaluating the scientific evidence homosexuality is a completely natural factor in the natural world. Lots of animals, not only humans also display homosexuality, and through the theory of evolution could be concluded that it is a trait that have existed within us over generations of natural selection. Religion also have been used previously by certain groups to exclude other groups as they were more “superior” than the other. One big example would be white christians back in the time of slavery and civil rights movement used their religion as a justification for extreme oppression upon blacks. The KKK roots from christianity, just like  ISIS roots from islam. Science proves that human beings are all one species as we have evolved from a single ancestor. No one should be discriminating another just according to their outer appearances. Overall it is undeniable that religion creates unnecessary hatred and inequality by instilling fear in people and preventing them from seeing the bigger picture as they usually are exposed to one ideology that they are suppose to have faith in only.

People should realize the dire consequences religion can have on the minds of society and wire them in dangerous ways that can be fatal to our society’s advancement intellectually. While it is true that religion has minor benefits to human psychology it cannot be ignored that it will eventually do more harm than good. We must accept science and reason wholly for the future while religion can coexist on a level that does not disrupt analytical thinking.

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