A Teenager's View on Religion | Teen Ink

A Teenager's View on Religion

April 26, 2015
By GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never stop laughing

Put in the simplest of manners, religion is utter bs to me. Now, before you start your attack, I’d like to tell you why. I’m most well aware of christianity, so I’m going to talk about that. A bit about the bible.

First off—dates. Six thousand years—that is approximitelly how old the Earth is according to the bible. Now, that is true only if ‘days’ means what we now call ‘days’, but after going though a lot of interpretations of all sorts we get to the conclusion that… there is no conclusion. Everyone is going to start saying different things, and try to claim that there are no flaws in “God’s words”, but rather we don’t understand them. Ok, fine. Well, wasn’t the bible written by people? Not that I’m trying to bash, who am I kidding, yes I am.

I have not read the whole bible, but my teacher, being a true believer, taught us the bible in GREAT detail in ninth grade. We literally studied the bible a whole semester. During one class she told us how we should respect other religions, then started bashing on those who propose that you come back in a different form after you die. I pointed out the double negative to her and was met with no logic and such words as:

“No, I am simply saying that it seems funny to me that people wouldn’t kill an ant, because it might be their great grandfather”

“You just did it again.” She ignored me and continued her story.

Religion is a never ending dispute between me and my teacher. A dispute which I am obviously winning with logic, but she seems to ignore, because of her blind faith. I feel obliged to say that I am actually, sincerely, very envious of true believers, because they are ready to follow a figure, which may or may not have existed, just because a book told them to.

Something else which I cannot accept about Christianity is negativity towards other religions. Doesn’t the bible teach us to “love thy neighbor as thyself”. Well, sorry to break it to you, but people that believe in another God/gods is a “neighbor” too. So is the homosexual couple down the street and the closeted gay who lives in that “perfect” christian neighbourhood, afraid to come out, because his family might disown him. Every one who does not follow the church’s beliefs is a fool: people who believe in another god are fools, people with a different lifestyle are fools, people who enjoy profanity are fools. Basically, we are all fools, and we are all going to hell. I am 17 years of age, and I am already damned to go to hell according to some of the rules you have to follow to be accepted in the “heaven” club.

This is how I see religion. I see it as a way to disconnect people. How many wars have been caused by religion? How many lives have been taken because of it? We are all torn apart by it. Every christian is following blindly some religion that has only a man-made book as “proof”. It’s bs. Most of my friends are going to hell, you know teenagers: premarital sex, “wrong” sexuality, agnotism etc… oh well, at least we’ll be warm.

And no, I was not talking about the probable existance of “God”, I was talking about the “God” and the beliefs of christianity. In case you thought that, you should start differentiating between “God”, “church” and “Religion”. God-not sure about that one… maybe? Church-created to scare people and use them. Religion-I already said what I think about that

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This article has 8 comments.

on Feb. 18 2017 at 9:17 am
C.E.Roth BRONZE, Waxhaw, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love another person is to see the face of God." -Victor Hugo

@Croagunk Science definitely deals with facts and evidence but there is no fact to warrant the Big Bang Theory, either, only theory. I believe that God makes science which is why there *is* evidence of it. And for your other point, if one believes God is just, then the millions of people who haven't heard of Christ obviously wouldn't be held accountable for that. I just think everyone needs to stop hating on each other, both Christians and non Christians. I hope I haven't offended you.

on Feb. 18 2017 at 9:11 am
C.E.Roth BRONZE, Waxhaw, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love another person is to see the face of God." -Victor Hugo

It's not and you've hit the nail right on the head. It's awful that people who claim to be Christians harass and hurt anyone who doesn't believe in them. Honestly, I think those people think they're Christians but don't know what the word "Christian" actually means.

on May. 24 2016 at 10:58 am
ZoeMalik SILVER, London, Other
6 articles 1 photo 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don’t just get started. Keep going.

okay, but dont generalize your opinion onto other religions, not that i am saying you are however you did make it clear by saying "religion is utter bs to me". You might want to consider rethinking what you said and considering islam and see what you say about that.

on Apr. 12 2016 at 8:40 pm
ShellyToll SILVER, Rathdrum, Idaho
8 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If they don't like you for being yourself, be yourself even more" Taylor Swift

Thank you for pointing out the discrimination many Christians have against other religions and sexual orientations. I've been harassed by a middle-aged man because I am an atheist. If a Christian is so moral and perfect then tell me how a 'good Christian' is someone who hates on people who don't share the belief.

EscapeRope said...
on May. 23 2015 at 4:31 am
EscapeRope, Cavite, Other
0 articles 0 photos 36 comments
@MinionForGod Science deals with facts and evidence, it need not to be believed to be true. It's a fact whether people believe it or not. And well, I think your reasoning is screwed up too. You said we can escape being damned if we accept Christ into our hearts? Well, how about the millions of people who haven't heard of him? And even if that's the case (we accept Christ, we go to heaven), I still think it's nonsensical. If one murders a lot of people and then asks god for forgiveness before he dies, he'll go to heaven. But if one lives his whole life morally but doesn't accept Christ, he'll be forever damned. How wonderful.

on May. 11 2015 at 1:35 pm
ABPippins SILVER, League City, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
To die may be an awfully big adventure, but to love is an even grander affair -myself

A-men! I'm a Christian, but still the bigoted attitude of the church pisses me off. We are called to love our neighbors as Christ did, but we discriminate the LGBT community the absolute hardest. It's outrageous that people who claim to know the heart of God hate people that disagree with anything they see as immoral.(When I say we, it does not reflect my views on this, but simply my observations of the Christian church's behavior as a whole)

GeryG. GOLD said...
on May. 7 2015 at 6:25 am
GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never stop laughing

Ok, here are a few pointers: I never disregard God in my essay. I don't disregard all christians, either. I talk about the way religion has been an excuse for some people to discriminate others. The way it disconnects us. I can not speak about God with certainty, but no one really knows whether the God in the bible is God. There are many religions, who claim that there is a different God. Another thing, science has proof. You can see it, sometimes even touch it... Another thing, just because I don't necessarily believe in the God from the bible, doesn't mean that I don't feel: happiness, joy, peace, and wholeness. And in time, if I decide to say: "Yes, there is a God", I will not be referring to the God from the bible.

on May. 5 2015 at 5:52 pm
MinionForGod SILVER, Nixon, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I didn't receive my acceptance letter to Hogwarts so I'm leaving the Shire to become a Jedi to preach the gospel to all nations." (That's right! I can be a nerd and still love Jesus! God calls me to come as I am and that's what I'm gonna do!)

There are a few flaws in your reasoning. First, you can't hate on the Bible because it was written by people. Science textbooks are written by people and you still believe them. Second, the Bible only supports one religion: christianity. Personally, i don't see christianity as a religion, but a relationship with God. Third, we don't just believe in God because of the Bible. We believe in Him because of how we have experienced His power. See, there's something that we feel deep inside of us when we believe: happiness, joy, peace, and wholeness. Before we believed, we searched and searched and searched for a fulfilling happiness and love. And, indescribably, that's what we got when we found God. Fourth, I think we can both agree that nobody is perfect. Sometimes, whether on purpose or not, christians screw up. Just like any other person. We're not perfect and we know it. But, by what we believe, no, what we KNOW, God has forgiven us by the blood of Jesus Christ. Sometimes, we judge people and are hateful to some. But we rely on God's grace and we try to make it right with that person. We do our best to do what's right, but we can't be perfect. Yes, everyone is damned. Even me! But, by accepting Jesus Christ into our lives, we are set free from that ill fate. We are set free from sin and Hell. That's what we believe and know to be true. Everyone is damned until that accept Jesus into their hearts. Fifth, like i said, christians make mistakes too. But I also said that we know how to get forgiveness. People who do drugs, have premarital sex, or murder can still have forgiveness and be able to go to Heaven. If everyone was condemned based on what kind of sin they made, we would all be on the road to Hell. Church should not be to scare people. There are some that do, but that's not what they should be. Like a hospital is for the wounded, church is for the sinners. It's there to heal, help, and guide people in a loving way. Please don't disregard the existence of God because of the mistakes that christians make. With por without us, God is real and He loves you. Loves you more than you can imagine. Loves you enough to give His son so that you and me can be saved. I love you even though you disagree with me. I pray that you would come to find the same thing that i did: hope.