Is this normal? | Teen Ink

Is this normal?

December 13, 2010
By Anonymous

People think my believes are odd or just creepy, but I’m killing anyone or anything. I’m not starving myself; I’m not doing any harm. I just believe that all are one. That yes you will go to heaven, nirvana, ect. I believe anyone can if they choose to. If you want to stay on earth because you are attached to something to close then you have the choice to. I believe in sins, karma, ect. I believe that if you live a life of making up for your wrong then you will live happier, easier and longer. Here is the part that people think is a bit odd. I believe your body has three parts of you. Your rhythm, your soul, and your greed. First I’ll talk about your rhythm; I think that when you keep a steady beat to your life everything will be in line. I’m not saying do the same thing everyday I’m saying be the same person every day. If you like to sing don’t let someone change that because that changes your rhythm and you’re not you. Off your rhythm changes your emotions mostly, making you act and feel not like yourself. Next is your soul (or ba). I believe that is the part of you that does good and holds all memoirs you want. The less sin (or better karma) you have the more your soul is part of your body. Last is the greed in you. It is a sad thought but body in the world has a place in their mind for greed. Some people not as much as others but in the end almost every person wants to own things. I have greed or else I wouldn’t have a computer or a bed or anything money can buy. But I believe the greed in a human holds your dark thoughts and memoirs. I have a lot in my greed. My dad wasn’t the nicest guy if you know what I mean. But I try to keep it level filling my soul with as much as I could. It’s basically karma, if your greed takes over you have bad karma, if you stay well then your soul is more. I can write pages on pages of what I believe in. this is just the dry skeleton of it all. I can do into details of sex, drugs, music, art, it never ends. If you think it’s odd then go right ahead there’s no way of stopping you, but if you like it or think it is interesting, thank you.

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This article has 3 comments.

LoveKills GOLD said...
on Jan. 3 2011 at 11:28 am
LoveKills GOLD, Niantic, Connecticut
14 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
And people say we wear tight jeans and dye our hair. That doesnt mean we can't scream or make loud noise.

Thank you for reading

on Dec. 16 2010 at 5:38 pm
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

However strange, frightening or odd others may find your opinions to be, they are still your and what you believe and you are entitled to it. It is an interesting view though... 

Photo_97 said...
on Dec. 15 2010 at 8:55 pm
Photo_97, Ct., Connecticut
0 articles 7 photos 65 comments
well anonymous, this is very good. I dont find it crazy i find it.... i find it intriguing. i feel we have brians for a reason,and you hold the key :) (i sure have alot to say 4 someone idk )