Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Proud to be an American

November 7, 2014
By Brian Wilman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Brian Wilman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Have a happy holidays!” said my teacher as the bell rang and the other students and I rushed out of the classroom. Everybody knew the fun was about to begin. The holiday season was upon us, and the excitement and cheer had already been building up inside of us for weeks. Now we were finally released from school to fully enjoy it. The holiday season makes me proud to be an American.

During the holiday season in America, excitement flows through the air. The thrill of the holiday season has always been one of my favorite feelings. There isn’t one single event, but rather multiple events that spark the warm, happy feeling I get inside. These events include opening presents on Christmas morning, visiting my grandparents’, and singing Christmas carols with my friends and family.

One of my favorite parts about the holidays is the decorations. I love seeing the Christmas trees, the wreaths, the shining Christmas lights, and the sight of a freshly made snowman waving to me in somebody’s frontyard everywhere I go. The reason I love decorations so much is because of the happy vibes.

Another thing that I love about the holidays is the fact that everyone is happier. When I see everyone’s happiness, it is apparent that the excitement has not only gotten to me, but to everyone else as well. When everyone is filled with the holiday cheer, it is easy to have fun with anything you do. This holiday cheer is the epitome of how Americans feel all around the country during the holiday season.

One last thing I love about the holidays is giving and making people happy. Nothing compares to the feeling I get after giving somebody a Christmas gift and seeing the smile on their face. The selfless act of giving, I believe, is truly a quality of many Americans. I don’t mind getting a gift or two in return as well.

The holiday season is a magical time in America. No matter where I am or how I am feeling, when I hear that Christmas music and see that holiday cheer, my mood changes for the better. I don’t know much about the holiday season in other countries, but I know that in America it is truly something special.

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