A Self-Fueling Devil | Teen Ink

A Self-Fueling Devil

December 26, 2010
By lemonheadski BRONZE, Park City, Utah
lemonheadski BRONZE, Park City, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Violence is never the answer. Violence creates violence when you think about it. It feeds of itself like some crazy, rabid animal. So, this is where I found my thesis, “No one is safe from the effects of violence”.

You must be smart with violence; it’s like Satan asking you to eat the forbidden fruit. I know that everyone has been so annoyed that they wanted to hit someone.  What’s that going to do? Get you in trouble. See, there’s the forbidden fruit; it looks so good, so tasty, but really... it’s rotten.

Violence hurts people in many different ways, such as guilt, sadness, and depression. Families that have kids in gangs must have the worst lives. You think about your family getting robbed, killed, and hurt. It must be so saddening. Violence like this could destroy lives and create suicidal thoughts. But you must push through and realize that suicide is just more violence and a permanent solution for a temporary problem.

I live in a safe town. It’s not like L.A. or any towns like that. But there is still violence. Violence is everywhere. If someone hits you, it is instinctive to hit them back. This is where you can take control and make sure this doesn’t turn bad. If you protect yourself it’s ok, but don’t make the thing a huge fight and get in trouble. It will only make things worse. I believe if you can learn this then you are very smart.

All in all, violence is never the answer and you should do your best to stay away from it. Violence is a self fueling devil that can easily trick you, so be smart. In conclusion, don’t you think that no-one is safe from violence? 

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