The Phenomenon of Gift-Giving | Teen Ink

The Phenomenon of Gift-Giving

November 25, 2014
By Vivi. SILVER, Karpenisi, Other
Vivi. SILVER, Karpenisi, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes talking to yourself can be harder than talking to others.You might have to prove to your own person that you're wrong."

It’s the end of November and you’ll already find people drinking their coffee in Christmas-themed mugs and decorating their houses with Christmas candles.Undoubtedly Christmas along with all other “festive” times of the year are something we are all waiting for.Not because we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus or anything else but because we get to receive gifts.

“GIFTS”.A word filled with excitement until the time we get to open the bag or tear apart the wrapping paper just to get disappointed as hell or just maintain our already existing excitement.Hence why the non-optional convention of buying gifts has become the reason why we feel anxious every time we celebrate something.

First of all,we have to ask ourselves the reason why we actually buy gifts.Why are they so important?We usually offer or exchange gifts on religious celebrations,birthdays,name days,or other important stages in one’s life (graduations,marriages e.t.c) .Sometimes we give them “just because” to show our love to the receiver.

But,is it really a way to show or love,or an effort to “buy” it? I really think it’s the latter.Not that we don’t want love,but it is clearly an easy way to obtain it without a lot of effort.Even when this gift doesn’t mean any more than a simple walk to the mall and spending a – sometimes – ridiculous amount of money.

Of course,spending a lot of money in buying gifts comes from the silly stereotype saying “the more expensive it is,the better it is.Probably created by brands whose number on the price tag is “bigger” than the quality. (knock knock Dr.Dre).And a lot of us,trying to make sure that our loved ones receive the best things in stores at the moment,we of course,buy it.It’s not only the price that sells today though.It’s the brand as well,a product really beautifully created by advertising companies and sponsored celebrities.

So,when we don’t deeply know the person to whom we want to offer the gift,the solution to what we do,is more than obvious.We’ll chose the safe way and just look for something widely known and BOOM! you’re the best gift-giver.That’s why nowadays really few people spend time and creativity into finding the perfect present that will prove how much the receiver means to them.On the contrary,they will address to the smiley  store workers who can magically know the key to finding perfect gifts for people they have never even met.

Gift-giving is in general a really nice way to express your love and appreciation as long as you put effort,time,and thinking into it.Big prices,rarely mean something,other than an empty wallet.

The author's comments:

Thoughts on our giving gifts to other people.Do we try to show,or buy love?

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