You Can Never Please Everyone | Teen Ink

You Can Never Please Everyone

December 14, 2011
By abbyhouston BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
abbyhouston BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever done a specific thing because you were worried what somebody else would think about you if you didn't? Or you just did it to impress some one? Well I think that that is natural and everyone does it because we all what to be accepted. But, I believe that you con not please everyone. Of course you want to make your friends and family happy because you are always around those people. But, don't spend you life worrying about things that you can’t control; that's my dad's motto. He's right. If you have no control over what other people think about you because it is their mind and their feelings. It is a waste of time trying to please the world because you can never please everyone.

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