December 18, 2012
By Anonymous

Music has graced the human ear for centuries. Genres have grown and added so there has never been a dull moment in Music history. Sadly, that doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been some low point. And an all-time low is making its way into the history books. This new addition to music has started to melt the brains of my generation into mush. Not only can you not sing along to this new form of “music”, but dancing to it can be mistaken as having a seizure. This creation goes by name we all know and have sadly become familiar with: dubstep.
According to urbandictionary.com, the definition of ‘dubstep’ is “a bastardization of drum, bass, house, electro and other genres of electronic dance music into something that sounds like one of a few things at any given time that are not limited to but include; a chainsaw killing a toaster, broken speakers, and punching a walrus in the face.” How “wubwubwubwub wump wump wump wubwubwubwub” became music, is beyond me. Music is something you feel in your heart and soul, the only thing you feel when you listen to dubstep is your ribcage vibrating.
The parents of my generation grew up with classic rock. Bands like The Who, The Rolling Stones, and The Beatles filled their ears with real music. Artist like Paul McCartney and Pete Townshend wrote lyrics overflowing with passion. Nowadays if you ask a teen about these musicians, they ask you, “Who is Paul McCartney??” This just breaks my heart, to quote Zombieland, “That’s like asking who Gandhi is.” And if I hear “Who’s Gandhi” I might explode.
Dubstep is killing real music. I can understand that music of all types goes in and out of style, but this is just ridiculous. Creators of dubstep will take a really amazing rock song and just destroy it by cutting it up into little pieces, adding some audio thunder, a breaking ceiling fan, and an abundant amount of sub bass to create something so unrecognizable that your brain starts to liquefy into a gelatinous pudding. If we don’t take care of this soon, real music and teen’s ability to distinguish good music from terrible sounds will be nonexistent. Unless we all sit down and listen to some Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Dire Straits, our lives are doomed. So listen to the real music to save your brains and the future of our generation.

The author's comments:
I had to step up on my soap box, just for a little bit.

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catty98e GOLD said...
on Apr. 24 2015 at 3:55 pm
catty98e GOLD, Spring HIll, Kansas
12 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a freak, I've been a freak my whole life. I just have to live with it, you know. I'm just one of those people. I'm not going to change the way I think or the way I feel to conform to anything."
-John Winston Lennon (1940-1980)

AGREED!!! Love this article, wonderfully put!!!