Popular Girls in UGGS | Teen Ink

Popular Girls in UGGS

April 9, 2009
By morgie7<3 PLATINUM, Tremont, Illinois
morgie7<3 PLATINUM, Tremont, Illinois
34 articles 0 photos 93 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
~Michael Jordan

Everyone says that you have to have a Hollister top and leak Abercrombie to be accepted. Everyone has the girl in their grade that walks like she has something to prove, puts others down so she feels less insecure, and hugs you while stabbing you in the back with her designer earrings. Everything about her seems perfect...her clothes her looks her laugh....except one thing...her attitude. The boys gush and the girls roll their eyes. Why is it that they can't see through a pretty mask and a flirty laugh? You may be the nicest girl on the planet with average looks....and they don't care. You cry, reapply the makeup, and carry on.

The constant verbal put-downs on every girl that doesn't leak Chanel when she cries are almost too much to bear. The teachers see, but brush it off like a fly. They know how middle school girls can be, their used to it. But we're still getting used to it. They roll their eyes, hand you a tissue, and tell you to toughen up. 'You'll meet people at work someday who are worse.' 'Go see the guidance counselor, you're disrupting my class.' 'Would you stop fighting??!?! It's not that big of a deal if she has more A.Eagle clothes than you. Cheer up!' So you slip on you favorite tee,not Aeropostale, much to everyone's dismay,and carry on.

Everyone sees the outward shell, but what they don't see is the personality and the home-life. The popular girls don't have either. Their home-life probably isn't the best, and their personality obviously sucks. Their harsh words sting like cold wind. You wish you had name brand to cover up in, or the latest Aerie jacket. Instead, you snuggle up to Walmart fleece...and carry on.

Ends up the girl you least expect will come back to the twentieth class reunion gorgeous and thriving at her new job as a model or whatever. And she had NO friends in middle school! Cause why? She wasn't worthy of friendship because she didn't own Abercrombie jeans, or a pair of UGGS. Why is she thriving? She carried on...and didn't worry whether the popular girl backstabbed her with designer earrings just because she didn't own a Hollister tee.

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This article has 95 comments.

on Jun. 28 2015 at 1:45 pm
MadeleineMoreland GOLD, Corvallis, Oregon
14 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fiction is a lie that tells us true things, over and over again"
-Neil Gaiman

Honestly, I think this article is generalizing a stereotype. I understand exactly where you are coming from, but this type of discrimination is becoming a rarity, thank God. Please send more positive messages rather than putting people down because of what they WEAR. Spread love

on Jun. 4 2015 at 4:12 pm
AshleySD BRONZE, Campbell, California
1 article 1 photo 90 comments
That's not what the article was trying to say. They were trying to say that sometimes, unfortunately, girls get more attention because of their clothes despite being really mean.

on Jun. 4 2015 at 4:11 pm
AshleySD BRONZE, Campbell, California
1 article 1 photo 90 comments
That's not what the article was trying to say. They were trying to say that sometimes, unfortunately, girls get more attention because of their clothes despite being really mean.

on Jun. 4 2015 at 4:11 pm
AshleySD BRONZE, Campbell, California
1 article 1 photo 90 comments
That's not what the article was trying to say. They were trying to say that sometimes, unfortunately, girls get more attention because of their clothes despite being really mean.

on Jun. 4 2015 at 4:10 pm
AshleySD BRONZE, Campbell, California
1 article 1 photo 90 comments
That's not what the article was trying to say. They were trying to say that sometimes, unfortunately, girls get more attention because of their clothes despite being really mean.

on May. 26 2014 at 7:12 pm
JesusandHisLawyers SILVER, Austin, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 99 comments

Favorite Quote:
"who the fuck has a favorite personal quote what does that even mean" - me, just now.

Gotta love how misogynistic and nasty girls can be towards other girls. "She wears uggs and makeup, what a stupid mean cold-hearted b-tch!"

SarahM15 said...
on Oct. 15 2013 at 5:22 pm
I don't think the popular girl matters. Sure, it's a hit to the self-esteem if someone has a dozen more friends than you, but it won't be like that forever. What matters is that you like how you act, what you do, or what you wear. Being popular is so overated. Being happy with what you are is much more important.

Lorena_h said...
on Oct. 15 2013 at 3:39 pm
I strongly disagree with this article it's based off stereo typical traits rather than facts. Just because girls own a pair of uggs doesn't mean they're cold hearted. That's completely insipid as well as irrelevant to uggs.

Latre said...
on Oct. 15 2013 at 3:34 pm
Uggs are not water proof girls need to step up their shoe game

on Oct. 15 2013 at 3:29 pm
Who cares what people wear?!?!?!?!

on Nov. 30 2012 at 5:43 pm
Danielle101 SILVER, Ocala, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 7 comments
This may be true at your school, but not at mine. I wear Hollister, Aeropostale, and American Eagle. Does that make me snotty and stuck up? Not really. You can't judge a person by their outter appearance, Now, if they make fun of you for your "Walmart fleece" that's different. But don't judge someone because of what they wear. Get to know them and their personality before you critize. You msy find out, they're not so bad. I'm not popular.. at all. I'm a straight A student, that has a few close friends. I just like name brand clothe, but that shouldn't make me snotty.

Mariah said...
on Mar. 6 2012 at 7:00 pm
I respectfully disagree....uggs are warm but so are other boots that are not designer.  Designer items are nice to have I guess, but are for more materialistic people.  But I have a bestfriend who has designer everything but she is one of the nicest people I know...so no, not all people are snobby and rude to the so-called "nonpopular" kids.

claire.y23 said...
on Jan. 1 2012 at 8:58 pm
Agreed!! Plus, some so called "popular" people wear UGGS to keep warm...

claire.y23 said...
on Jan. 1 2012 at 8:57 pm
This is not true. Some "popular" people tend to wear UGGS because they are warm... Have you ever thought about that? And what is so wrong with wearing designer clothes, earrings, bags etc..?? I think people should be more praising the courage they have to show the things they have. Not because they want to "stab" the "non popular kids" back... Honestly, I strongly disagree with this article.

LitGeek said...
on Dec. 26 2011 at 4:44 am
LitGeek, Toronto, Other
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I agree. I've had some personal experiences with this, and let me tell you, it can be hurtful. If you can't judge someone for their personality, that's prejudiced. It goes both ways, people! Oh, and I wear Uggs. They're comfy :)

EpicSandy said...
on Dec. 1 2011 at 5:46 pm
This is absolutely true. I know exactly who this is and all the brands and such are correct. This isn't over exaggerated at all in my school, I have a back stabbing fashion chic in my school who even my best friend abandoned me for...

-Duckie- GOLD said...
on Nov. 24 2011 at 8:42 pm
-Duckie- GOLD, West Fargo, North Dakota
18 articles 0 photos 127 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your heart is a weapon the size of your fist. Keep fighting. Keep loving.

I feel bad when I read all this 'bagging-on-populars' type stuff, becsue I don't know if I'm popular or not??? Lots of people think I'm their friend when really I wish they would just leave me alone... does that make me a snotty popular girl??? and btw I don't own any uggs or aeropostale or any of that

on Nov. 9 2011 at 10:26 am
I found this story very sterotypical. Not all "popular girls in hollister tees" have no personality, and many of them are quite nice. Get to know someone better before you make assumptions of their personality. Yes in movies the "popular girls" are portrayed that way. But in reality, everyone has their own life. Which is ocumpanied by unique and seperate problems that other people may not know about. Saying that they have no problems or personality, is very wrong. They may have a life just like anyone else, and EVERYONE has their own set of problems. Stop judging by the outer beauty of a person or socialness of a person.

on Oct. 11 2011 at 8:49 am
jsalyers BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

you wrote about a really relateable topic and you could see strong emotion in it maybe try to use bigger vocabualry instead of average words.


on Aug. 6 2011 at 6:57 am
Bookworm1998 GOLD, Brampton, Other
17 articles 2 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
Preserve your memories, keep them well; what you forget, you can never retell.

you are so right. and lol 'badically', i always spell things wrong so i dont botehr anymore :P. your screenname caught my attention and i will definately check out your work. :)