Pesticides | Teen Ink


January 16, 2017
By Anonymous

Even though farmers use pesticides on their crops to save their crops from getting eaten, there is still a fungus that infects some grains and produces a toxin. The farmers might say that using pesticides are good because they will help the crops grow and have a better chance of producing more food. Even though they are good in some ways, using pesticides can increase cancer and nearby bees can get toxin from them and get killed easier. Also, it can get more expensive. Using pesticides on crops are dangerous because it can increase death, cancer, and it can harm animals living nearby.

There is a solution to this problem though. There are a certain kinds of bugs that people can attract to their own garden, or field, that will kill the bad guys, or in this case, the bad bugs. But be careful as well, there is something called Broad Spectrum that can affect the bad guys just as it can affect the good guys if the spray gets on them. It can kill both of them, this info is on the website: How to attract beneficial insects to control garden pests, Page 1. A bug called hornworms are bad for a row of tomatoes because they can eat all of that in just one night. This is important because if the garden, or field, needs to stay alive, people might not want to put pesticides on their own crops because that can kill the people who eat them. They won’t be able to have the crops or flowers be pollinated. For example, if somebody goes and puts pesticides on their own crops, the plants will get poisoned and people will get sick if they eat them. Then, every time they look at that empty beehive, they will feel guilty that they killed those bees because of the pesticides that they sprayed on flowers or crops. Research indicates bee deaths are connected to neonicotinoid pesticides, which use a synthetic derivative of nicotine. Even though people know that it is killing bees, farmers have planted millions of acres of farmland with neonic-treated seeds since 2003. But it is not just pesticides that is killing bees, it is human made things like factories.

If we get fruits and vegetables from the store because of some farmers donated them to there, we might be buying pesticides right then and there. Since people go to the grocery store so often, they just might be buying something that they most likely do not want in their system. Some people might say that pesticides are good, but that might only be because they don’t know enough about pesticides. Yes, pesticides are good in some ways, but in other ways, pesticides can really be a problem in our world. But if people read more about pesticides, they might change their minds about them.

It is not just crops that can get sick in this disgusting poison, dandelions that are close by the field can harbor this poison. Bees that gather nectar and pollen from the yellow flowers will bring the neonicotinoids back to the hive. Although those small levels of pesticides do not kill the bees, their immune systems become compromised leaving hives vulnerable to other threats. Researchers focused on it more when they found out that it was in corn because at least they could try to fix the problem, or if they are lucky enough, they could fix it all at once. Imagine if pesticides never existed. Most people would not be sick with cancer right now if it were not for pesticides. Just imagine if people could reduce the risk of cancer, so many families would not be suffering right now.

Pesticides are bad for so many reasons. It is mostly bad because it can increase the risks for cancer. Earlier to when pesticides are good in some ways, paragraph two, yes they are good because pesticides can help kill the bad bugs and increase the crops the person is trying to grow. However, there is always two sides to something. Just because it is good one way, does not mean people can just use it. If people would even try to use it very little, it might not even make a difference, it can still be harmful to other people and to living creatures that live around the area.

Even though using pesticides are good for plants and help them grow and keep the bugs from eating them, they can still increase cancer and get people severely sick. We should not use pesticides on our crops or gardens for multiple reasons. Pesticides are good in some ways, but when people think of what bad thing it can do to people, people probably do not want to eat something with pesticides on them. Pesticides are important to understand because if people do not, people could end up with a sickness or practically be paying for sickness that they might not be able to cure or might not even know that people are risking death for their family. People should start to attract the good bugs to kill the bad bugs so it at least decreases the risk of cancer of any other bad sickness.

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