There not Pets | Teen Ink

There not Pets

May 28, 2014
By SandraR SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
SandraR SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They're Not Pets

I loved going to the zoo and seeing the monkeys, never wanting to leave because I loved watching them climb from limb to limb and play with each other and I always had the urge to go in there cage with them and pet them. I felt the same thing with the giraffes, I loved watching them stretch their long necks for that last leaf on the very top of the tree. But what people don't realize is that they don't get free food all the time as in the wild they aren't limited and they don't have to share if they don't want to and they are not limited on where they can go so they don't get sick of the same place every day and they have more friends. Animals just like people they have feelings just like us and they become lonely.

In the wild, animals can eat whenever they want to they just got to find it. In the zoo they are fed at specific times everyday. Perth Zoo’s said that some animals can graze all day, but what happens when they run out of grass they just can't plant more causes that takes time and in the wild they can move to a new place to graze. They also said that they feed the small animals small amount of food everyday. They have daily food allowance a day and thats not fair to all the animals in the wild its not always fair either, but they can go get more food somewhere else and move on to a new territory.
When animals are held in captivity they are limited to one space. What if you had to live in your room your whole life can couldn’t go nowhere else? In the wild they don't have to worry about that, they have a lot more space to roam around in. When animals are in the wild they aren't forced to see the same scenes everyday, theres always new land for them to roam. Also when there is more space available they can create more of these species and have a higher percentage of them so they become less endangered. It’s okay to have rescue centers, but once the animals have been helped they should be set free. Some zoos that I have been to seems like they don't have enough room and they only have enough room for one or two animals and they need another animal in there otherwise they get lonely.
All animals need company otherwise they have no one to play with. then they will get bored. A professor at the University of Guelph said that “animals that are always cages up do get bored when they are by themselves and there is nothing to play with.” So at the zoo when there is only one animal in the cage that one animal gets bored and just think about it what if a human was trapped in a small cage for its live with just food, water, couple trees, and couple of toys the same toys and there would be no one else in the cage never. That would suck and thats what some animals at zoos deal with.
The Reality of Zoos said that “When animals are kept in captivity they are derived from the things that are natural and most important to them.” And because of that they become sad and lonely just like us when we lose the things most important to us we feel sad and lonely. Animals are meant to be locked in a cage all of their lives They're Not pets they are like humans they have feelings just like us. In the zoo animals are deprived of the thing that are most important to them like their habitat and their family. When they came to the zoo they lose all of that and they can't be themselves because they sometimes have to share the things they once did not have to share in the wild. When going into zoos they leave their families behind just think how that would feel. They have feelings too. Living in a zoo would suck if you had no friends and were caged up.
There are many types of animals at the zoo and my favorite is the monkeys that climbed from limb to limb and the giraffes that have to reach for that last leave on the tree. I think it would be best if we just had like a rescue center for animals instead of zoos causes the animals became lonely they don't get feed enough and they have a bigger place to live and they can go back to where they came from if there were just rescue centers or less zoos in the world. Animals that live in the wild are not meant to be caged up and people don't realize that and I hope they start to causes they are not pets.

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