Response to "Littering" | Teen Ink

Response to "Littering"

February 26, 2014
By JaylinM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
JaylinM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the author of “Littering” states, littering is a common thing in today’s society. Society is not worried about it’s long term effects, they are just worried about how much longer it is going to take to walk to a trash can. Throwing trash on the ground is easier and takes less time but it is more harmful than putting trash in a trashcan. After trash is thrown on the ground, no one else is going to come along and pick it up; it just sits there until it affects nature. An animal will eventually come along and injure themselves by swallowing or stepping on the trash. If an animal does not come across the trash, it will decompose and harm the plant life living there. I completely agree with the author, people are disrespectful towards nature and don’t think before they litter. I hope that someday, people will realize the affects their laziness to walk to a trash can has on the world we live in.

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