Habitat loss | Teen Ink

Habitat loss

February 20, 2012
By ricky ngo BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
ricky ngo BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Habitat loss is the destruction, fragmentation, or degradation of a habitat. This is important because habitat loss is bad to the environment and animals are losing their homes. By stopping this cause we can improve our earth and help preserve our animals.
Pollution is a very big issue that is caused by habitat loss. As stated on National Wildlife Federation, when an ecosystem has been dramatically changed by human activities, such as agriculture, oil and gas exploration, commercial development or water diversion, it may no longer be able to provide the food, water, cover, and places for animals. Every day there are fewer places left that wildlife can call home. The plants that are being cut down help produce oxygen and clean the air cause by pollution.
Another reason we should stop this is because we are losing different type of ecosystems. These ecosystems can provide economic benefits for us in the future, because they already provide us with valuable services.
Biologist Regina A. Bailey states habitat protection is the key to protecting our rare, threatened, and endangered species. A species cannot survive without a home. This is the most important reason why to stop this. Biologist Regina A. Bailey again states rare, endangered, or threatened plants are elements of our natural heritage that are declining rapidly or are on the verge of vanishing. They are plants and animals that exist in small numbers that may be lost if we do not take quick action to stop their decline. If we cherish these species, like we do other rare and beautiful objects, these living organisms become treasures of the highest magnitude. This shows that we need to project these animals to keep and learn from them.
There are many ways we can help. As stated on nwf.org, you can create habitat for wildlife in your yard, near your home, school or business. Plant native plants and put out a water source so that you can provide the food, water cover and places to raise young that wildlife need to survive.
Habitat loss is not good and governments should slow it down. Habitat loss is bad cause of the plants and trees that are cut down. When a habitat is destroyed many animals are displaced. This is the reason animals are endangered. This is why we need to stop habitat loss.

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This article has 1 comment.

michi98 said...
on Jan. 22 2014 at 7:02 am
very educative, nice work