Preserving Nature | Teen Ink

Preserving Nature

February 4, 2011
By Paige16 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Paige16 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many people take nature for granted and do not realize that they cannot just reap from it. The Earth needs to be nourished in return, so it can catch up with the people’s requirements. Everyone should assist in preserving nature because someday it may start to vanish.

Eventually the Earth will cease to exist if people do not start caring for the planet. The movie, The Road provides an excellent image of what Earth will convert into. The scenery is nothing, but gray ash scattered around. All plant life is gone. Without plants the animal and human population dwindles down to almost nothing. The remaining individuals look depressed or insane and have to scavenge for food. Is this what the world will come to? Simple changes can save it from the doomed fate that lies ahead. There is still time to do what is necessary, so enough with wasting the glorious life in the world, and start doing what is right now.

Everyone can help save the nature around us by acting out in many different ways. Recycling, planting, using eco-friendly products, being more conservative with products and bringing awareness to this horrid matter are just a few simple acts that can cure the Earth. The greatest change that could be made would be to get away from the usage of gasoline. This need pollutes the air which can cause harmful effects on plants and animals. Jim Clyburn said, “Environmental quality was drastically improved while economic activity grew by the simple expedient of removing lead from gasoline.” Smart cars are being made that help the environment too, so if gasoline was not needed at all the Earth would create more life. With more helpful changes the nature around will flourish. There is nothing to lose, and caring for nature will in return assist the human race.

Applying the necessary changes will allow everyone to witness the beauty in Mother Nature. Clean air and fresh water will be major effects that everyone will love. Plants will blossom and grow into beautiful sights to behold. People will become happier with the spectacular views surrounding them. Food and other resources will be plentiful as long as it is replaced. All this sounds better than an ashy gray world. The changes made will help preserve and expand nature.

Nature has always been important to everyone and everything in the world. It provides nourishment and beauty for life. Simple changes can be made to better Mother Earth, so start taking responsibility to make a difference or else it may descend into nothing.

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This article has 4 comments.

sahib said...
on Nov. 21 2017 at 7:51 am
its is related to our nature . l is very serious

on Oct. 22 2017 at 9:07 pm
It's very right , we want to save nature

on Oct. 19 2015 at 5:31 am
Love It!! So very brave and talented!

jessie said...
on Jun. 22 2014 at 4:41 am
totally agreed! =)

on Jun. 22 2014 at 4:38 am
what is the road? it sounds very environmental to me . yes i agree that we should use what we are given wisely and not waste. some people take everything they need for granted which is very bad

Clara SILVER said...
on Jul. 4 2012 at 10:16 am
Clara SILVER, Holland, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

I'm glad you wrote this essay, just a simply yet strong reminder about how we need to be careful with what we're given. I'm not sure I understand your comparison to The Road, though. (I read the book) It's clear something awful has occurred on the earth, but it doesn't portray that if we took time to recycle or reuse, then the world wouldn't have ended.

I would also add that for other essays, you could add in a few more details for a more sound essay, and so readers don't feel left behind. (For example, who Jim Clyburn is)

Again, so glad you could remind us of our important role in keeping the world, and ourselves, healthy.

on Apr. 29 2012 at 11:04 pm
maddiethehufflepuffxoxo, Ventnor, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." -Albus Dumbledore

I completely agree 100%.