Second Class Citizens | Teen Ink

Second Class Citizens

August 14, 2015
By DivyaJ BRONZE, Plainsboro, New Jersey
DivyaJ BRONZE, Plainsboro, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are called feeble, overly emotional, incapable. We are expected to be stay home mothers, not hold a job. We are expected to be nurses not doctors. We are expected to be the damsel in distress, not the hero. We are expected to be secretaries, never CEO’s. We deserve to be paid twenty three cents less than a man’s dollar for doing the same job, because we are women. Our weaknesses and emotional instabilities strip us of our right to hold high profile jobs. Instead of holding a job and being independent leaders of society, we should stay home and show our daughters that they always will be considered second class citizens restricted to raise our voice. We should. Anyone practicing feminism should be prosecuted; what right do they have to risk their lives to fight for the mothers of the world? How dare they try and give half the world’s population more rights? As you may know,  actress turned UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, recently made a bold statement regarding feminism. She spoke for women and even requested men to take a stand on improving the lives of women. But our lives are already perfect.


Despite going to the moon and finding hints of water in Mars, the human race has continued the ancient practice of demeaning women. Despite the rising economy in many third world countries, newborn girls are left in the streets by their parents in order to avoid the “hassles” of raising a daughter. Our sisters around the world suffer sexual harassment and rape on a daily basis, women in many Middle Eastern countries are denied the right to walk outside alone without a male companion, which is completely reasonable because we are not strong enough to defend ourselves and we should depend on our strong masculine fathers and husbands to protect us. The most important factor that people, especially men, do not realize is that feminism is not only for the benefit of the ones with the XX chromosome, improving women’s rights improves the state of the whole world. The stronger and more powerful women are, the faster the crime rate decreases. The more wealthy women become, the faster the economy will improve. The more rapidly women are rescued from prostitution and sexual harassment, the faster poverty will diminish. The atrocities committed against women destroy the minimal amount of respect we have earned and has turned women into objects rather than confident members of society.


“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives the strength.”-G.D Anderson. If a man is giving orders, he is a leader, but if a woman is giving orders, she is bossy. When a man gives his opinion, he is ambitious and learned, but when a woman gives her opinion, she is overbearing. If the girls of this generation and the mothers of the next are taught to silence their thoughts and hide behind the shadows of men, isn’t the world just going backwards? What achievements did human race really produce if our wives, our sisters, our mothers are suppressed and stripped of their rights?

The author's comments:

This is for the thousands of women who are oppressed and demeaned in the world each minute of their lives. The ones whose rights are extremely limited or even nonexistent 

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