Gay Rights | Teen Ink

Gay Rights

November 5, 2014
By Daughter_Of_Hades GOLD, Paragould, Arkansas
Daughter_Of_Hades GOLD, Paragould, Arkansas
12 articles 4 photos 1 comment

 The topic I’m writing about today is Gay Rights. The rights to be with who you want to be with and live your life as you want. I’m not saying that everyone has to agree with what I say, but I think everyone should be treated equal. People are treating homosexuals as outcasts and with disrespect. I know many homosexuals, and most of them are very wonderful people who have jobs and care for their families just like everyone else. There is not a single person in existence that is perfect, neither straight nor homosexual. Why does almost everyone see themselves automatically as the better person just because they feel that they live their life “appropriately?”
Did you know that there are 11 countries where gay marriage is legal? The Netherlands, South Africa, Canada, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, and only 32 of our states agree. Not only to mention that 21 of those were forced to legalize it by the court, 8 by state ligature, and you know what’s really sad, only 3 states by popular vote. This includes Maine, Maryland, and Washington. There are unfortunately 18 states that ban same-sex marriage, 17 of those are by Constitutional Amendment and State Law and only 1 by Constitutional Amendment only. It is things like this that honestly make me think I am not so lucky to live in the United States. How can we call ourselves united if all we do is push people in our country away and telling them they aren’t good enough?

Did you know that the government was so against homosexuals that they wouldn’t even let them help defend our country when we needed the support? The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that prevented gays, lesbians, and bisexuals from serving in the military was effective from 1993 to 2011 when it was banned. Transgender individuals are still discriminated from serving openly about their sex and orientation. Are we really so desperate that we are shrinking our military just because we don’t like peoples life choices? If that’s how life worked then no one would have any jobs. Everyone makes mistakes; no one is perfect, so why do people expect so much more from homosexuals? They are human, just like the rest of us.

Do you remember when we segregated the African Americans? We didn’t think that they were the same as us just by the color of their skin. They were born like that, and they are perfect just the way they are. It’s the same with homosexuals, slowly but surely we are legalizing gay rights. Maybe not all by choice, but it’s happening. That’s how it was back then too, but eventually every state has a law where people aren’t allowed to segregate African Americans. I believe the same thing is going to happen with this, so why not just go ahead and except it now, make it easier for the people everyone bullies.

Please consider this. You can’t judge all of the homosexuals by the ones who aren’t appropriate in public. I personally don’t want to see anyone showing public display of affection, homosexual or not, and I know many homosexuals who agree with me. I am not saying to change what you believe in, but don’t be horrible to the people you say are sinners. God would want you to help them, show them to your religion whether they are homosexual or not they can still believe in God. Please just open your eyes and see the world around you, everything is different and new. Open your heart to the ones who people neglect and push around because of how they live their lives.

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