February 22, 2010
By ndpndntfilm BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
ndpndntfilm BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So excuse me Klu Klux Klan, but I just really think we shouldn’t teach our kids to hate other based on the color of their skin.

I mean, if anything, they should just hate each other based off their personalities.

But I digress. That’s a story for another day.

So racist people should not reproduce because there is always a chance they’ll pass down their beliefs to their kids and those kids will pass down their parents’ beliefs to their kids, etc., etc.

Now, I know what you’re saying.

A) I’m not racist!


B) If I want to pass down my racist, hopelessly outdated, politically incorrect beliefs down to my children, I can!

So let me address A) before B):

Um, everyone’s a little bit racist (Avenue Q reference FTW!). Okay, now I know that will make you say, “Aha! So if everyone’s racist, then no one should reproduce and therefore no one in the world should reproduce and if everyone listened to you, humanity would die out!” But what I’m talking about are people who are really, really racists. Like that water meter guy who came to our house one time and kept tossing around the “n-word”. As in, "When I was a kid, there werne't as many n-words as there are now."

It was very, very awkward.

So everyone makes assumptions based on race and that’s not entirely our fault. It’s the media’s fault who puts stereotypical characters on TV shows and films and we can’t just undo 50 plus years of programming. But we know that not all blacks are gangb***ers, not all Mexicans are border jumpers (WE’RE NOT!!!), not all Asians are geniuses, and not all whites are rich, stuck up pricks (Even though it seems that way).

But it’s not like we let those stereotypes determine who to buy a newspaper from (Another Avenue Q reference FTW). We generally keep those assumptions to ourselves and try to get to know people for who they really are.

And now onto B:

You have no right to corrupt the young mind of an infant. It should form it’s own opinion from an unbiased resource: television. That’s right, television. Because television only cares about about making money and getting the best ratings and winning Emmys and in conclusion, that’s the most unbiased opinion there is when raising your kids because it’s not trying to teach you something. It’s just trying to get your viewership.

Except PBS. They're trying to teach you something and get your money. They need your money so you should give it to them because I really like 'Arthur','Martha Speaks', and all those other educational shows. Those shows teach me moral values as well as good vocabulary. And they’re really good.


And if you think I can’t stop you from reproducing, all I have to say to you is this:

I got a sledgehammer and a two by four.

I doubt anybody would miss you.

‘Cause you’re a racist.

The author's comments:
I got the idea of 'No Repro' series from 'Pearls Before Swine' where the main character, Rat, puts all the people who have annoying habits into a 'No Repro' box, forbidding them from having children. I apply this theory to my blogs where I rant about people who have, in my opinion, stupid beliefs such as racism or thinking the best place to confess a shocking secret is on a nationally syndicated talk show.

I really hate when people do that.

But I digress. I know no one will ever really carry out what beliefs but I think it's good just to get an opinion out there. I tried to write like I would the way I would express my opinion to a friend or myself so that's the reason for the informal style and weird references.

Also, I will not come to your door if you picked B) but I do have a sledgehammer and a shovel.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 8 2010 at 2:16 pm
theblazingstar101 GOLD, Foley, Alabama
10 articles 1 photo 21 comments

Okay...I don't necessarily agree with you. Yes, racism is bad, BUT you can't control what parents teach their kids, and even if the parents are racist, it doesn't mean their child will be. And vice versa. Also, you seem to blame all the media except for PBS. So I guess you've never heard of the 90's Billy Cosby Show, which portrayed African Americans positively and is responsible for sparking a lot of acceptance between races. And you think the media has only been stereotyping for fifty years? Because it goes back a lot further than that.

Also, although I know that not all African Americans are in gangs and not all Mexicans are border jumpers, I find it funny that you point out that Caucasians seem like rich, racist pricks. You specifically point out Caucasians as seeming like racist pricks, and your article's purpose is supposed to be about how racism and stereotyping is wrong. So I have to wonder just how racially accepting you are. That'd be like me saying, 'Well, not all Mexicans are border hoppers, but they sure seem like it!' I mean, to me that sounds pretty offensive. It sounds like I'm being mean or sarcastic.

So, I'm not really sure why you wrote this article. Are you seriously thinking that racists need to be sterilized? Because if you want my opinion, you sound like some redneck from Tennessee who thinks he knows everything (and yes, I'm from Tennessee and live in the backwoods).