What If? | Teen Ink

What If?

November 18, 2014
By Anonymous

What if you were to say one single word and you simply died?

What if every time a penny dropped to the floor from anywhere in the world a new baby was born?
What if right now while your reading this and enjoying life, what if your really in the stomach of your mother, and when you die your born again?
What if the world turned upside down and you found yourself in Vampire Academy?
What if when you dream your really experiencing your next life, past, or a different realm?
What if your reflection isn't really your reflection, it's not even you at all?
What if online websites and YouTube and Facebook was all an evil organization trying to trap you in its power?
What if there was such thing as a never ending hallway, and you found yourself in one?
What if your dad, mother, or brother, were actually figments of your imagination?
What if you died today?
What if the government was connected to supernaturals and aliens and were keeping them a secret to society?
What if you figured out you were really from a different planet?
What if your favorite person in the world became president of the Dog Breath community in the underground caves of Washington.
What if movies became so high quality that you could actually physically and emotionally feel and hear everything?
What if, dog really meant cat?
What if your boyfriend literally fainted because of your bad breath?
What if you were rewarded the worlds greatest teen reward?
What if you aged ten years in a single week?
What if you suddenly went deaf?
What if instead of hearing words and sounds you would see colors and shapes?
What if you could be in the book your reading and be any character you wanted?
What if there was truly such a thing as a soulmate, and yours was you pet fish?
What if you cat was secretly a fairy and was in charge of your fate?
What if you lived in a world without color?
What if everything in the world suddenly vanished except for you a fork and a pile of horse dung?
What if you got to see me in real life and meet me in person?
What if you were told that in the future you would be immortal? ( think carefully )
What if...in your past life I was your dad's mothers fathers uncles brothers sisters aunts pet hamster?
What if this kept on going for eternity?
What if god was one of us mortals?
What if you could see through walls?
What if you were suddenly inside a light bulb and you met a magical unicorn who was in charge of lighting the light bulb and one day the unicorn passed into unicorn heaven and you were in charge of lighting the light bulb?
What if you met someone who's name was, " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " ?
What if you suddenly started talking to the wall and you couldn't stop?
What if you figured out that one of your classmates was actually a prince of a far off country ?
What if you were invited to live at the house of the president and he had a son and you fell in love with him only to find out he was secretly a spy for the enemy president and the enemy president had a daughter who ended up being your sister and you were forced to live in her house even though you don't know her at all?
What if you experienced someone dying and coming back to life?
What if right now, right this scone someone of a random number called you and told you they were getting married in Hawaii?
What if you were transported by the Greek god Zeus, to Egypt to visit the Egyptian god Isis, only to find you were the son/daughter of not only one but two gods and from completely different realms of language, knowledge, and religion?
What if you found that I was really your brother/sister?
What if you stopped reading this and commented on what you felt about this writing?
It's possible.

The author's comments:

Really try to think about these " what if's ", they could really change the way you think or give you something more to think about. Read this when your bored...it helps. Enjoy!

P. S And thank you for the comment on Chaos! U know who u are;) 

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