We Need to Lose the Silver Spoon | Teen Ink

We Need to Lose the Silver Spoon

May 4, 2018
By Whysper BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Whysper BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all need should realize that the way children are raised affect their future in a tremendous way. Maybe not everyone sees it, maybe some people refuse to see it. For example parents, they want their children to have a better life than what they did growing up. I can’t blame them, I would too. There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed though. When kids grow up with the idea that they can have and get anything and everything they want just by asking for it and not working for a thing. They won’t realize that when they get into the real world and start living on their own they have to work for everything and it’s gonna make them have a break down. Probably make them feel as if they hit rock bottom.

At a young age children need to learn to work for what they want, they’ll always have their needs because that's what the parents will provide until they become a young adult. When learning to work for their wants when physically possible, kids will be able to realize if they want to succeed they can’t half ass anything, they need to put 100% in always. Not sometimes, always. Children that learn to work for themselves and their wants the needs will become easier to work on as they get older. Growing up selfish vs. hard working. Who do you believe will be more successful? Kids who are spoiled can become overly dependent on their parents. When they are spoiled, it makes it harder on them to make and keep good and meaningful relationships with others. They start to become lonely because people aren't going to want to be around someone who is insensitive of others and who have bad tempers.

Me personally I saw these kinds of things all the time. With my own family and even my friends. I didn't have a lot growing up and it taught me to work harder and be more caring and kind to others because all I really had was my friendships and family. My cousin was very spoiled. The outcomes of him being spoiled was that he wasn't social and he never really liked to share. My cousin never even really got out of the house, he was very secluded. He is a very lonely person or that´s what it seems.

We need to lose ¨the silver spoon¨ and stop spoiling our children so much.

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