Punctuation | Teen Ink


February 20, 2015
By X-WhiteRose-X GOLD, Brashear, Missouri
X-WhiteRose-X GOLD, Brashear, Missouri
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid."

-Albert Einstein

Punctuation. Used to clarify meanings. If you are asking a question? If you are exclaiming! If you are stating something. They don't just help clarify meaning they help tell what a writers feeling was.

Exclamation Mark!: This is powerful, you're really angry, or happy, or sad. It adds importance to the words. Helps give it power.

Period.: This is typical, you are just stating something. You are saying it casually, it's not something that gives much power to your words. The words have to do that themselves.

Question Mark?: It adds an air of curiosity to the words, a wonder. It is a question, you want to know something. It wasn't meant to be a statement. It could however be rhetorical and ask for no answer.

Punctuation helps to define the meaning of a sentence whether it is a statement or question with exclamation or without. But what if you don't use punctuation...? You have to guess what the writer means. How do you know what is a question and what is not? This can be confusing but it also brings me back to my point. Punctuation helps tell a writers feelings, if I stopped using it all together how could you tell if I was excited about something? How would you know if I was curious? Or if I just didn't care.

For example: Whatever! Or Whatever.

One specifies that I simply don't care while the other shows that I do indeed care and may be calling someone out. Now see if this effects it.

For example: Whatever or Whatever

Can you tell if I care or not? No, you can't. Can you see how powerful punctuation is now? Yes it clarifies what a writer means but it also expresses how a writer feels.

The author's comments:

Punctuation is powerful, it clarifies the meaning of writing but also expresses an authors feelings.

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