Against Animal Testing | Teen Ink

Against Animal Testing

February 20, 2012
By Evan Johnson BRONZE, Irving, Texas
Evan Johnson BRONZE, Irving, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Government animal testing will be difficult to stop but still is unnecessary in our everyday lives. As stated on approximately 17-22 million animals are used in research each year. This means that 17-22 million animals are either killed or treated cruelly for no apparent reason. Can you bear to see these animals being abused for medical purposes?

Do you know that only a small percentage of the data collected off of animals that are used for testing are beneficial? M.D Arie Brecher states, despite screening over half a million compounds as anti-cancer agents on laboratory animals between 1970-1985, only 80 compounds moved into clinical trials on humans. Of these, a mere 24 had any anti-cancer activity & only 12 appeared to have a ‘substantial clinical role’. What this shows is that half the animals they’re using provide no beneficial information for us. So what’s their reasoning behind animal testing if half of the animals are being punished and/or killed for no reason at all?

As M.D Arie Brecher states, clearly, if we are going to make medical progress, a new approach is needed. Human medicine can no longer be based on veterinary medicine. It is fraudulent & dangerous to apply data from one species to another. Basically, Brecher is saying that we are not making progress in our medical studies by animal testing, in which now we are getting further and further behind other countries in medical studies, so we have to change.

Animal testing is not precise because of its flaws and the amount of information that is beneficial. As Medical Doctor Arie Brecher states, animal experiments confuse the issues & their results we’ll never have science precision. In other words, Brecher is saying that trying to fix our issues through animals is showing inaccurate data that cannot be used towards our medical progress. Medical studies cannot be trusted any more if we keep using fraudulent information. Fraudulent information will muddle with our medical studies leading to harming a human being.

There’s one solution-testing on inmates that are on death row in prisons around the world. As the Death Penalty Information Center shows, there are 3,222 death row inmates as of April 1, 2011. This number right here is more than enough for cancer research itself. Would you rather test on an innocent living body, or on a person whose future is already determined for taking another life?

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